About Us

Springfield Cub Scout Pack 73 is a not-for-profit scouting organization and an integral part of Springfield and our surrounding Communities. We aim to promote our youth to make morally appropriate life decisions while servicing the communities in which they live. Started over 50 years ago, our pack remains strong today with many active members, leaders and parents. Boys and Girls can join the Cub Scouts from Kindergarten through 5th grade and are welcome to join at any time. Beyond 5th grade they will be a part of the BSA organization. Unlike BSA, which is run by the scouts themselves, the Cub Scouts are run by parent volunteers. Some of our parent volunteers are Eagle Scouts themselves - the highest ranking you can achieve in BSA. Our Cub Scouts are very active throughout the year. While the scouting program typically runs during the school year, we extend our activities through the summer as well. 

Our big events of the year include:

In addition to these events, our pack participates in many other events like: Community Cleanup Day; Preparing food for the homeless; Selling Popcorn at the annual town fair; Fishing events; Bike Derby; Water-Balloon Battles; Animal Shelter volunteering; and the list goes on.  The individual dens also take part in many activities like hikes, campfire building, and planting in the local community gardens. Of course, this only scratches the surface of what we do! In fact, in the Spring of 2019, several of our scouts received a specific achievement from the Archdioceses of Newark in a beautiful celebration at the Newark Cathedral.

Scouting encourages closeness to family. Our program will give you the opportunities to take part in activities with your child that you normally couldn't do. It provides a positive way for parents and their child to grow closer together and encourages you to spend quality time together. In this way, Scouting is a program for the entire family, and your involvement is vital to the program's success.  With your support, your scout will learn the values of our Scout Law:

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.